Author: gpnsadmin

Nova Scotians Should Expect Better Democracy

Nova Scotians Should Expect Better Democracy

(Halifax) Dr. Thomas Trappenberg has a message for Nova Scotians: “Strategic voting isn’t true democracy.” The Green Party of Nova Scotia leader spoke at the group’s AGM on Saturday, April 29, calling on the citizens of the province to vote their principles. One of the key points in the Green Party’s vision for a better Nova...

Green Party Meets to Encourage Nova Scotians to Expect Better

Green Party Meets to Encourage Nova Scotians to Expect Better

On April 29, 2017, Green Party members and interested members of the public from across Nova Scotia will gather at Dalhousie University in Halifax for the Annual General Meeting. The revitalized party will be electing provincial executive, identifying candidates to run in the next provincial election and discussing policy. Special guests will include PEI and...

Would the GPNS leader ever whip a vote?

Would the GPNS leader ever whip a vote?

I have been asked if I, as the GPNS party leader, would ever whip a vote, forcing other party representatives to vote as I decree. My answer is quite simple, and clearly illustrated by what I am witnessing with recent events in the province. In every election, candidates make statements about how important it is...

Nova Scotia Needs Innovative Education Reform

Nova Scotia Needs Innovative Education Reform

The leadership of the Green Party is questioning whether anything will, or even can be accomplished by the latest return to the bargaining table after the latest breakdown in contract negotiations. The teachers of Nova Scotia know how to teach their students. While the government negotiates with the Nova Scotia Teachers Union, students are being...

11 February 201729 September 2022In General
McNeil Government Failing Parents, Teachers and Students

McNeil Government Failing Parents, Teachers and Students

The Nova Scotia government has failed to sit at the table with our teachers, and has now called for a lock out of students and a move to rectify the situation through legislation. The actions of the government prove the teachers’ point that that the system currently depends upon their volunteer contributions, and they now...

3 December 201629 September 2022In General