
This page is for donations to the Green Party of Nova Scotia. If you want to donate to a specific part of the Party, please see the “Directed Donations” link at the bottom of the form.



The Green Party of Nova Scotia is committed to making the transition to an economy that is local, green and works for everyone. Every dollar we receive in donations will be spent in the most effective way possible to move towards this goal. And remember, you will receive a generous tax credit of up to 75% for your donation.
Your Contribution Tax Credit Your Cost
$25 $18.75 $6.25
$50 $32.50 $12.50
$100 $75.00 $25.00
$250 $175.00 $75.00
Help ensure there is a strong Green voice in Nova Scotia!


Total Amount
Name and Address
We need to collect some information about where you live, in order to confirm: a) that you are a resident of Nova Scotia (we cannot accept contributions from people resident outside the province), and b) to confirm your electoral district.
Nova Scotia
Payment Options

Note: tax receipts are issued annually and will be received early next year.


Directed Donations