Join Us!
The Green Party is working to build a prosperous and sustainable Nova Scotia. Please join us and help to make Nova Scotia a better place to live and work for ourselves and our children! All Nova Scotians 15 years of age and older are welcome.
Our membership fee is currently $10 per year, which you can send by filling out the form below. You can also combine a membership with a donation of any amount. Any Nova Scotian under the age of 30 is welcome to join free of charge, and enjoy all rights and responsibilities of membership.
Please also fill out the form below. Though we ask for your residential address, we do not normally use postal mail for our communications – we need your street address to understand where you are for the purposes of our regional information (and to confirm that you are a Nova Scotia resident).
We will never sell or share your contact information with any other organization or person that isn’t a member of, working for, or volunteering for the party. All those who have access to this information sign confidentiality agreements that bind them to the same limits the party places on itself to not share this information in any way.
Membership Sign-up & Renewal