McNeil Government Failing Parents, Teachers and Students

McNeil Government Failing Parents, Teachers and Students

The Nova Scotia government has failed to sit at the table with our teachers, and has now called for a lock out of students and a move to rectify the situation through legislation. The actions of the government prove the teachers’ point that that the system currently depends upon their volunteer contributions, and they now seek to resolve this issue through legal force. This move is failing the teachers, parents and students of Nova Scotia.

One thing is very clear in this process: It is time for a government approach that values listening and consensus, and takes the needs of all citizens into consideration.

In the short term we must acknowledge our teachers for going above and beyond by providing fair compensation, and in the long term we must restructure our approach in a more sustainable direction. This is not the time for austerity.

Several of our Green Party of Nova Scotia members are a part of the teaching community, including the Party Leader Thomas Trappenberg, who is a professor at Dalhousie University, and our co-President Melanie Mulrooney, who is a homeschooling parent. It is evident from discussions within the community that all levels of education need to be revised, both in how we provide education for all age groups, and how we address funding of those initiatives.

Looking at the models applied successfully in countries such as Finland, we see examples of how we might work together to give our children the best possible processes of education, creativity and personal growth that allow them to stay and work within their communities, and thrive in the process. It will take a new way of looking at the entire education life cycle to make it the core force behind social improvement and increased standards of living for all in the province.

We are currently developing the GPNS policies and platform, and exploring ways we might bring in legislation to help create a better educated and fully skilled workforce, which will attract investment by private sector partners into our Provincial economy. Grow ourselves, and business will come.

It is time for all parents, teachers and concerned citizens to become involved in forming the next government, not just opposing it.

The Green Party of Nova Scotia is building its ranks and looking for new representatives to run in many of the Ridings across Nova Scotia. Education reform is one of the platform items we were working on before this dispute between the NTSU and Liberals came to pass. Join us as we work to make our province better, so we can avoid more of these situations in the future.

It’s time for a better government. It’s time to go Green.

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