Green Party of Nova Scotia Elect Anthony Edmonds, Leader and Jo-Ann Roberts, Deputy Leader


Halifax 10/24/2021

The Green Party of Nova Scotia (GPNS) elected Anthony Edmonds, Leader and Jo-Ann Roberts, Deputy Leader at a Special General Meeting on October 23, 2021.   The blended event (in person and virtual) was well attended by GPNS members.  Voting was conducted via electronic ballot, Edmonds and Roberts were elected by a majority of 93%. As per GPNS rules, members had the option to vote for the pair or ‘none of the above’.  A previous contestant pair withdrew from the race in September.

Anthony and Jo-Ann shared their vision for the future of the GPNS which includes growing its membership, implementing a Shadow Cabinet, making fundraising a priority, building the brand identity of the GPNS and more.  See ( for more details.

In his acceptance speech Anthony shared a message for GPNS members “it is important that we do have a sense of unity moving forward and that it’s clear that we can all stand behind the vision that Jo-Ann and I put forward… the only way that we’re going to accomplish anything as a Party is if we can stand behind our common vision, common values, our common goals.”

Anthony also shared a message for the Leaders of the other provincial parties that they “cannot be complacent.  Nova Scotians want what they want, they have the values they have and those values align with ours, and we are going to make sure those values are represented no matter what it takes.”

In her acceptance speech Jo-Ann shared part of the vision for the role of the soon to be GPNS Shadow Cabinet “I want to see us right now, while we don’t have someone sitting in the legislature, to be the conscience of the government and the opposition.  So that when we see them not acting responsibly, not living up to their promises, we call them on it.”

Anthony Edmonds, Leader  and Jo-Ann Roberts, Deputy Leader

For more information contact:  Krista Grear, Provincial Administrator,

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