Lynette Amirault
My name is Lynette Amirault and I am honoured to be representing the Green Party of Nova Scotia in the Kespukwitk riding of Argyle. I was born and raised in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. After completing high school, I spent four years in Wolfville completing a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition at Acadia University, where I learned important lessons related to understanding the scientific method and how we as humans fit into the natural world we call home.
I have been working in healthcare as a dietitian for over two decades, specializing in inpatient stroke and cardiovascular care and recovery, and more recently developing an expertise in obesity management leading me to become a Certified Bariatric Educator in 2018. I now split my working time between public sector and private sector work, which affords me a better work-life balance and allows me time to focus on my family priorities. In my free time, I enjoy spending time outdoors with my husband and our dog, especially during the warmer weather months when we can enjoy boating on the Tusket River or gardening in our backyard. I’m currently enjoying spending lots of quality time with my son as he practices his driving skills.
My political background is limited but my interest in political activism stems from my work within our healthcare union where I currently hold an executive position as Site Recording Secretary. I believe in the values that the Green Party represents: that we must be good stewards of the land we call home – the unceded territory of the Mi’kma’ki – and that government policies should be created through the lens of environmental protection and social equity, using science, research and evidence as guidance. As a proud Acadian, I – like my father before me - feel a deep connection to the land we call home. It is for these reasons that I offer my name to the Green Party to represent their values here in my riding.