Adrianna MacKinnon

Victoria-The Lakes

My name is Adrianna Mackinnon and I always considered myself a politically involved citizen. I have participated in every election,( municipal, provincial and federal) since the age of eligibility. Staying informed of the many issues affecting our communities can be inspiring and motivates me to offer as candidate for the riding of Victoria the Lakes. The starting point of my journey as an educator began in 1991, at the most northern school is NS. Fond memories and life long friends were made over the ten months of the school year, and continue to this day.

My political values would best be described as embracing environmentalism and placing community wellness as a priority before profit. Participation in our democracy is the duty of all citizens (to the best of their ability). I am willing to step up to serve the people of Victoria the Lakes in the role of MLA. The economic well being of so many residents depends on a healthy environment and will be impacted by the changing climate in the near future.

I consider myself a life long learner and began my academic journey at the NSTC. Two of my proudest accomplishments are my B.ed and M.ed that were completed while working full time. I have enjoyed taking part in training sessions and in services, both as a participant and a presenter. Volunteering in the many extra curricular activities of my children has given me many opportunities to get to know a so many other like minded individuals.

The time between commitments of family and work are filled with reading and sewing. The skills of a gardener I can not claim to have, yet, but hope to improve and grow a bit bigger garden box next spring. The lack of pollinators may mean I need to also learn about bee keeping as well.