Join Us!


Join the Green Party of Nova Scotia and help build a brighter future! All Nova Scotians 15 years of age and older are welcome.

Our membership fee is currently $10 per year, which you can send by filling out the form below. You can also combine a membership with a donation of any amount. Nova Scotians under the age of 30 are welcome to join free of charge, and enjoy all rights and responsibilities of membership.

Please also fill out the form below. Your information will never be shared with any organizations or individuals outside of the Executive, who are bound by a confidentiality agreement. Residential information is used to confirm Nova Scotian residency and region, nothing else.

Membership Sign-up & Renewal

New Member Sign-up

By filling out this form and applying for membership, you agree that you:

  • Support the Green Party of Nova Scotia;
  • Understand that the Green Party of Nova Scotia is a registered political party, and hence that its primary purpose is to field candidates for election as Members of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly; and
  • Will act with respect and support toward other members of the Green Party of Nova Scotia.

Thanks for joining us! We look forward to working together!

Total Amount
Name and Address - Membership
We need to collect some information about where you live, in order to confirm: a) that you are a resident of Nova Scotia (we cannot accept contributions from people resident outside the province), and b) to confirm your electoral district.
Nova Scotia
Payment Options